Lakeland Village School

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Health Services » Health Services

Health Services

Health Services:
There is a health clerk on duty each day to assist with illness or injury. She is located in the front office area.
A registered nurse is on-call for emergencies.
Illness at school:
In case of illness, a student must obtain a pass from his/her teacher to go to the health office. The health office must contact a parent or an individual listed on the emergency card in order for a student to leave campus due to illness. Please do not have your child call from their cell phone to be picked up.
If you are injured on campus or during a school supervised event, report the injury to your teacher, coach, or supervisor immediately.
Medical Emergency Cards:
The emergency card information is needed to contact parent/guardian in case of emergency. All information requested on the card must be provided and updated as changes occur.

1.   No student shall be given medication during school hours except upon written request from a licensed physician/healthcare provider who has responsibility for the medical management of the student. The parent or guardian must sign all such requests. Forms are available in the health office.
2.   Parents/guardians may administer medication to their child on a scheduled basis arranged with the school.
Students are not permitted to carry prescribed or over-the-counter medications on a school campus without proper paperwork on file in the health office.

1.    Please bring your child's current yellow immunization card, a physician/clinic record or out of state school transcript to verfiy their immunization history.
2.   Transcripts from another California school are not acceptable.
3.   You may sign a 30 day conditional to allow you to acquire the records if you have moved here from within the United States.